Experienced. Effective.
Finding Solutions For Tough Cases.
Welcome to Amarosa Mediation,
Your Mediation and Arbitration Group.
Formed as a mediation practice for you, your client, your carrier or company to have an experienced mediator or arbitrator to assist individuals and the courts in the field of dispute resolution, allowing cases to settle without having to go to formal litigation saving the parties the time and expenses of trial and possible excess verdicts.
We are committed to the excellence of dispute resolution and strive to be among the most in demand alternative dispute resolution company in the industry.
Amarosa Mediations is a mediation and arbitration practice backed by years of legal, trial and appellate practice experience. Your mediator knows what it is like to have to take a case to trial and that experience is what will assist the process in coming to an amicable resolution without the time and expense of the trial.
The practice deals with disputes domestically and will participate in disputes internationally as mediators and arbitrators. Our founder James R. Amarosa is a licensed attorney, a court appointed arbitrator, a Florida Supreme Court certified mediator, certified to conduct court appointed mediations in circuit, county, appellate and family law courts.
The firm has extensive experience in serving parties with alternative dispute resolutions, mediation and arbitration; a firm belief in assisting parties in resolution of their dispute is the best outcome for all involved.
Please allow Amarosa Mediation to be your neutral mediator to assist in resolving your next dispute or case.
Thank you.
Jim Amarosa, founder of Amarosa Mediations.

County Court
Circuit Court
Family Law
Arbitration & Appellate
For Your Successful Mediation.
Amarosa Mediation is a leader in assisting and providing alternative dispute resolution services. Our services assist in resolving disputes and moving the profession of alternative dispute resolution in a positive direction. We provide diverse, experienced neutrals in resolving any dispute no matter the size or complexity of the case. We will assist and work hard to keep the conversations moving in a positive direction in helping the parties move past obstacles so they can achieve their objective or goals.
Let Amarosa’s neutrals mediate your next mediation, we conduct them in-person or virtually.